Amazing and Delicious Beef Recipes for Everyone


How to Cook Steak on a George Forman Grill Like a Pro!

How to Cook Steak on a George Forman Grill Like a Pro!

How to Cook Steak on a George Foreman Grill Like a Pro!

Welcome, beef lovers, to another mouth-watering installment on my blog! Today, we’re unlocking the secrets behind using a George Foreman Grill — often hailed as the trusty indoor grill — to whip up a delicious steak. While many steak aficionados swear by the charcoal grill or outdoor grill experience, the George Foreman, with its non-stick surface, offers a unique way to enjoy a juicy and flavorful steak right within the cozy confines of your kitchen.

Why Choose a George Foreman Grill for Steak?

One can’t help but admire the versatility of the George Foreman Grill. While it’s perfect for thin steaks, it can handle just about any cut you throw its way. Its dual contact grilling system cooks food from the top and bottom simultaneously, ensuring a quicker and even cooking process. Add to that the grill’s design, which helps drain excess fat (a boon for those watching their fat intake), as the fat melts away, preserving the essence of a steak’s flavor without the grease.

Choosing Your Steak for the George Foreman

Steak is not just food; it’s an experience. Selecting the right cut is pivotal. A ribeye steak, for instance, is rich in marbling and taste, which beautifully complements the grilling process. The flavor infusion, when combined with the heat from an indoor grill like George Foreman, is unmatched.

Overview of the Recipe

Let’s dive a little deeper into our mission. The success of your steak dinner hinges on three pillars:

  1. Choice of Steak: Whether it’s a sumptuous ribeye steak or a leaner cut, the steak you choose sets the stage.
  2. Desired Doneness: Aim for a perfect steak, be it a medium-rare steak or a well-done piece.
  3. Art of Seasoning: The marriage of spices and herbs with meat ensures your steak isn’t just good; it’s unforgettable.

Recipe Ingredients List

For our George Foreman Grill steak endeavor, gather:

  • Steak: Ideally 1 1/2-inch thick. Ribeye steaks are excellent for their marbling. Alternatives include New York strip or filet mignon.
  • Olive oil: Ensures a non-stick surface on your grill plates and amplifies steak flavors.
  • Salt and Pepper: The quintessential seasonings.
  • Your Wild Card Seasonings: The world’s your oyster here. From garlic powder to thyme, your choices can make your steak go from great to extraordinary.

Deep Dive into the Process

The instructions provided are a roadmap. Remember, every steak is unique. It’s a living, breathing entity (well, not anymore, but you get the point). Respect it. Understand it. Let’s grill!

Step 1: Preparing the steak and seasoning it properly

Part A: Bringing the steak to room temperature

Begin by taking your steak out of the refrigerator and allowing it to come to room temperature for about 30 minutes. This step is crucial as it ensures even cooking throughout the steak, preventing the inside from being too cold when hitting the grill.

Part B: Drying and seasoning the steak

Once it’s reached room temperature, pat the steak dry with a paper towel to remove any excess moisture. This will help you achieve a better sear. Brush both sides of the steak with olive oil, which enhances flavor and helps seasonings stick. Then, generously season it with salt and pepper. If you’re using any additional seasonings or rubs, apply them now, ensuring they’re evenly spread. Press them gently to adhere, ensuring every bite is flavorful.

Step 2: Preheating the George Forman Grill and adjusting the temperature

Part A: Setting up the grill

Plug in your George Forman Grill and close the lid to allow it to preheat for about 5-10 minutes. This is vital as it ensures that the grill plates reach the right temperature for optimal searing and flavor development.

Part B: Adjusting the temperature for perfect searing

Most George Forman Grills come equipped with an adjustable temperature control. For a tantalizing steak, set the temperature to high or 400-450°F (200-230°C). This high heat will give your steak that appealing and savory sear.

Step 3: Placing the steak on the grill and ensuring even cooking

Part A: Grilling the steak

After ensuring the grill is properly preheated, open the lid and carefully place the seasoned steak directly onto the hot grill plates.

Part B: Ensuring proper cooking technique

Close the lid and let the steak cook for about 4-5 minutes. The exact time depends on the desired level of doneness and steak thickness. Avoid pressing down on the steak, as this can release those delicious juices and make the steak dry.

Step 4: Monitoring the cooking time and checking for desired doneness

Part A: Initial checking

After the steak has cooked for the initial period, cautiously open the grill lid and inspect the doneness using a reliable meat thermometer or the time-tested “touch test.”

Part B: Fine-tuning for perfection

For rare aficionados, aim for an internal temperature of about 125°F (52°C) with a soft center feel. Those preferring medium-rare should target 130-135°F (54-57°C) and a slightly firmer texture. If you’re into a more well-done steak, simply extend the cooking time and keep an eye on it.

Step 5: Resting the steak and letting it retain its juices

Part A: Transferring the steak for resting

Once cooked to perfection, use tongs to gently transfer the steak from the grill to a cutting board.

Part B: The importance of patience

Give your steak a brief break, allowing it to rest for 5-10 minutes. This patience ensures the juices settle, guaranteeing a steak that’s juicy, tender, and bursting with flavor.

Step 6: Serving and enjoying the perfectly cooked steak

Part A: Slicing for maximum enjoyment

Post-rest, the moment of truth arrives. Slice the steak against the grain to ensure every bite is as tender as possible.

Part B: Final touches and serving

Pair your steak with mouth-watering sides like creamy garlic mashed potatoes or drench it in a tangy chimichurri sauce. The choice is truly yours. For a final touch of gourmet elegance, sprinkle some freshly chopped herbs atop your steak. Enjoy every bite of your culinary masterpiece!

Some Additional Tips for the Perfect Steak

  1. Indicator Light: Most George Foreman Grills have an indicator light. This isn’t just for show. It’s a cue for when the grill is preheated to the desired temperature.
  2. Rest, Don’t Rush: Let your steak rest post-grilling. This isn’t some culinary myth. It ensures the juices, which get excited during the grilling process, get a chance to calm down and redistribute.


Your George Foreman Grill is more than an appliance; it’s your ticket to steak paradise. As you perfect the art, you’ll realize that whether you’re using an outdoor grill, indoor grill, or your trusted George Foreman, it’s the love, care, and respect for the process and the meat that elevates your dish.

Dear steak lovers, challenge yourself. Try different cuts, switch up the seasonings, and remember: whether it’s a ribeye on an outdoor grill or a sirloin on your George Foreman, the journey is as delicious as the destination.

Until our next culinary adventure,

Chef Ronaldo


I am Ronaldo, a devoted chef in my mid-30s with a deep-seated passion for cooking, particularly when it comes to beef recipes. Ever since I was a child, I have been captivated by the endless possibilities of flavors and textures that can be created from simple ingredients. This fascination propelled me into a culinary journey, training in various kitchens across the globe. Over time, I have cultivated a unique cooking style that marries traditional techniques with contemporary twists. My affection for beef has driven me to delve into and experiment with different cuts, cooking methods, and flavor combinations. This enthusiasm for beef inspired me to start a blog, where I share my cherished recipes, cooking tips, and insights into the world of beef. Whether it's a classic roast, a succulent steak, or a hearty stew, my blog is a treasure trove of delectable and innovative beef recipes that will surely delight and inspire fellow home cooks and food enthusiasts.

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